Monday, November 06, 2006

I stopped raiding

I started to feel like a raiding bot over the last weeks. No time for the other aspects of WoW and still a bad conscience cause I feel like I don't devote enough time to neither WoW nor my work nor my studies. And my girlfriend, friends and family deserve a larger chunk of my time as well. So as I can't make the day last longer I have to abandon the one thing I actually can abandon, and that's raiding.

I don't stop playing WoW and I remain with my guild. We have a non-raider rank so I can still stay with the guys I raided with for one and a half year. I'll focus on writing my diploma thesis now but I got plans for WoW aswell.

When patch 1.13 arrives and brings the PvP revamp I'm gonna get myself a decent low speed mainhand (Grand Marshals Claw or Longsword) and spec Heavy-Sub Hemo. Thats a spec you can't experience really while playing in a hardcore raiding guild. I really look forward to try my nice gear (7 Bonescythe items and two 65 dps daggers) in PvP. And while my gear is nice theres lots of room for improvement regarding my duelling skills.

Furthermore I got the TBC Collectors Edition preordered and once it arrives I plan to level a Draenei Shammy parallel to playing my rogue in the new zones. I'm not gonna rush it and once I reach endgame again I'll most likely stick to the PvP and casual PvE side of the game.

Raiding with Fusion gave me many great moments and was quite some fun overall. I wish them the best of luck with further progress in Naxx and hope that the Four Horseman (where we are stuck for 7 weeks now) will go down soon!


Blogger InfoMofo said...

I think a lot of people are in the same boat. Spending 4 hours a night trying to farm T2 or T3 gear that will be generally obsolete in two months doesn't seem that appealing for most people, and the 2.0 addon lockdown is going to make those 40-man raids really painful for that last month or so.

Recently I've been spending all my time farming gold, and helping guildies level alts, as both the PVE and PVP content seems kind of pointless in light of the upcoming changes.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gott sei dank, der erste Schritt ist getan ! ;)

Saturday, November 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well once the new patch comes out, it might help to PvP and start saving up honor for lvl 70 gear with honor(or update your weapons)

Thursday, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please post your new pvp sub hemo spec!

Monday, December 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you've stopped Blogging too!

Thursday, December 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you've stopped blogging too!

Thursday, December 21, 2006  

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